Year: 2024

Cross country.

it was august 20 tuesday 2024 it was the time of the year for cross country. I had made a plan to mack it in to the top 10 for cross country

to mck it  throw to the next rownd and final it was my race itrid my hardest and then i was nere the end i speed up and i came 9th place that mens i’m in to the next rownd i was so happy  so on friaday im going back to Peria. i’m so excited.


we had circus  the 3 of july 2024 all i can  say i was  nivais and exsitde .  i was the mc  with charley.

i loved it so march. i did the flower stikes.

my holidays

In the  holidays i felt 🤢.so i stayed 🏠.I felt 🤢 for a whole week. 

Ruby and i had plan a play 🗓 for wednesday. But  it never  happened i was very  😥 bye the end of the week i felt 👍 agan.


 The next week was a big week we had lost planed. For my 👪.

On saturday and sunday on saturday my👪 and i went to the white’s 🏠 for dinner.


And on sunday my👪 and i went to 🧓 birthday. Finley  it was  monday 

 we cleaned out our whole garage after that we went to the🚮  it smelled 🤮  when we had finished we went to wild nectar the cafe  we all got same thing i got a mince and cheese 🥧 my mum got  a butter chicken🥧 and rourke got a 🥖 and a 🥖  rolle.

House group leader

In kauri class we have been arnging  house group sports for everyone in  the school. We have games like rob the nest/ sack races/ tag a war/

kick ball and an  obstacal course. kauri class has  spent  one and a harf weeks tring  to make this happen for everone. Every houes group has a chant.  kiwi is my group  so ours is “when i say kiwi you sa yeah”   we will explane the rules  to every game or  race. For the ponits  Millie / Heath /Drew  and i mand a leader board. bye hand  and its amazing.And that is our school funday 21 march 2024 .


we had our fun day it was fun and not fun at the same time the games where slowe unfer  and uneven.


                              by abi